What is the prior surveillance ?
The system established implementing Regulation No 670 of 28 April 2016 from the European Commission which allows monitoring of imports of certain steel products originating from non-EU countries.
How is applied in Italy?
The national competent authority for the issue of "regulatory documents" is MISE (Ministry of economic development, Directorate-General for trade policy, DIV. III – 00144 Rome Viale Boston, 25).
Is there a limit/quota to imports of products subject to supervision?
No, the EU regulation does not foresee limits or quotas on imports of products subject to the scheme.
Which are the non-EU countries affected by prior surveillance?
All non-EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are excluded.
Are there minimum thresholds below which you do not need the surveillance document?
Yes, the imports less than 2500 Kg do not require prior surveillance document.
When it comes into force on the prior surveillance system?
The system will be operational starting from 08.00 of 16 October 2017.
Is there a deadline of supervisory system introduced by regulation 670/2016?
Yes, the system shall apply until 15 February 2020.
What is the deadline for issuing the prior surveillance document?
The EU regulation indicates that the surveillance document "it is automatically released by the competent authorities of Member States, without charge and irrespective of the quantities requested, within five working days of the submission of an application by an importer in the EU”.
How should be done the request of surveillance document?
The request can be made directly through the portal on the website of MiSE (SIVA), or by filling out the form available at the relevant Office (Directorate General for trade policy, DIV. III – 00144 Rome Viale Boston, 25), or relayed through certified electronic mail (PEC) …..
What documentation accompanying the form corresponding must present the company?
The Regulation 670/2016 indicates that the applicant shall provide "commercial trials of the intention to import, such as a copy of the contract of sale or purchase and pro-forma invoice. If required, such as in cases where the goods are not directly purchased in the country of production, the import presents a certificate of production issued by the producing steel mill." The Public announcement MISE of 05.05.2016 declare that "the application shall be accompanied by a copy of the contract of sale or purchase or pro-forma invoice. This documentation must be submitted in the original or a certified copy." However the importer applicant can also send photocopy books attached to a statement in lieu of certification completed and signed by the legal representative of the enterprise.
What personally identifiable information of the goods must be indicated in the surveillance document?
- The trade name
- The TARIC code (10 digits)
- The source and origin of goods
- First or second choice merchandise